Verre églomisé by Miriam Ellner

A Modern Take on a 13th Century Technique

In February of this year I had the pleasure of visiting the studio of Miriam Ellner, a fabulous Verre églomisé artist here in New York City. What is Verre églomisé, you ask? It’s a decorative technique of designing and gilding the rear face of glass, producing a mirror finish. On Wikipedia you can find out more about the history of this art form, which has existed for hundreds of years.

Ms. Ellner was gracious enough to spend roughly an hour with me, giving a tour of her light-filled studio in west Chelsea, answering questions, and showing some of her projects in progress.

In this video, after a brief introduction by yours truly, Miriam explains how she came to enter the Paris Biennale, which opened up the way for her work to be commissioned in Europe, as well as around the world.

Want to see more examples of Miriam’s work? See below:

About the author

Learn about Carol Griffin's background and view her abstract figurative sculptures and still life drawings.